rambling thoughts  

Posted by Saw Winston

Maybe I am getting on a little in age. The promiscuous kids seems to be getting younger and younger each day. Is it due to the hormones used in breeding cattle for meat, or is it the evolution at work ?
At work a few days ago I saw a lass who was only fourteen-and-a-half years old, and about four months pregnant. In UK by law anyone having sexual consummation with an underage person (defined as under sixteen) is liable for prosecution. The lass was a little embarrassed and every now and then during the examination tried to pull down her blouse in a futile attempt to hide her bump !
She will surely gave birth, and as surely as day follows night her age will be overlooked and brushed away. The newborn baby's father will not be prosecuted nor an attempt even made to find out who he was. This, is after all " a civilized country" ! The law is an ass.

Politicians are only interested in getting votes to serve their own interests. And on this matter, the word "politician" originally was a sinister word. On hindsight, perhaps it still is.

This entry was posted on Monday 26 April 2010 at Monday, April 26, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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