political correctness  

Posted by Saw Winston

It seems a day doesn't go by in politics without another "storm in a teacup" as accurately labelled by the Labour candidate John Cowan who was suspended after allegedly saying on an internet forum that he would not want any children of his to marry a Muslim.
What has this predominantly Christian nation come to these days taking "politically incorrect" quotes far too seriously ? 

Perhaps Mr Cowan would and could be forgivable and probably even lauded by Muslim groups were he to say that he would not want any children of his to marry a Christian !
I am pretty sure the Imams, Mullahs and Islamist are now rubbing their hands in glee.
Can anyone in his or her right mind imagine a "politician" in a Middle East Muslim country saying, "I would not want any of my children to marry a Christian", and the uproar it would create ?

Come, come, I think we have gone too far. Enough is enough.

This entry was posted on Monday 26 April 2010 at Monday, April 26, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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