RIP ... Remove It Permanently  

Posted by Saw Winston

I regularly read Burma news on and it seemed I could not help see some of the photographs on the site. I am not talking about the majority of the photographs, but a few of them, photographs of sullen, moronic-looking Burmese "Generals" staring back at you.
That is, until I discovered this nifty little add-on for Firefox aptly called RIP, or Remove It Permanently. Install the add-on to your Fire Fox and just right click on the photographs you do not want to appear on your computer, select "Remove it permanently" and left click it, and voila the disgusting photograph you do not want to see no longer appears every time you visit that site.
The photograph is of course still on the web site. Just that it no longer appears on your monitor screen.

Remove It Permanently:

This entry was posted on Wednesday 28 April 2010 at Wednesday, April 28, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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