burma sham election  

Posted by Saw Winston

All citizens of most democratic countries who reside outside their own countries are usually eligible to vote in any major election of their countries.
But for most Burmese they will not receive any communication from their "government's" embassy regarding the forthcoming sham election later this year.
These diasporas are unofficially regarded as "traitors" by the SPDC (State Prostitution & Dacoit Council) for leaving their motherland, or should I say "fatherland" ?

In all fairness, most Burmese living in the UK are holders of British passports in addition to their Burmese passports, and so technically cannot vote in the sham election, as they were required by SPDC to give up their Burmese citizenships when they naturalized into British citizens, but did not.
Nevertheless a few of them sympathetic and patronizing to the current unelected and unwanted brutal regime will be rewarded with ballot papers for their "good examplary behavior".

Why does the Embassy at Charles Street renew these Burmese passports instead of revoking the citizenhips ? One doesn't need Einstein to fathom out an answer.
Burma has really gone to the dogs.

This entry was posted on Tuesday 27 April 2010 at Tuesday, April 27, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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