anyone for coffee ?  

Posted by Saw Winston

It is believed that coffee beans were discovered in the thirteenth century by the Ethiopians but the evidence is anecdotal.
Walk down any High Street in the UK and you will have no difficulty finding a shop where coffee is available.

The best coffee is said to come from Indonesia. It is indeed a specialty coffee and a thimble-sized cup will set you back $10 or around $100 per pound.

What is so special about these coffee beans, you might ask.
The answer is this coffee is made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus)  and other related civets, then passed through its digestive tract.
In its stomach, proteolytic enzymes seep into the beans, making shorter peptides and more free amino acids. Passing through a civet's intestines the beans are then defecated, having kept their shape. After gathering, thorough washing, sun drying, light roasting and brewing, these beans yield an aromatic coffee with much less bitterness, widely noted as the most expensive coffee in the world.

Not convinced ?
Take the sniff test.

Now .... anyone for coffee ??

This entry was posted on Monday 10 May 2010 at Monday, May 10, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .



Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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