Pet Hates  

Posted by Saw Winston

As a medical doctor there are times when certain behavior of your patients really gets under your skin.

One of my two pet hates is patients attending late for their appointments giving flimsy excuses such as "I couldn't find a parking place" or "I was caught in a traffic jam", which may all well be true, but the onus is on them in the first place to allow plenty of time for the journey to be in time for the appointment.

It is no great joy when a patient turns up late for his/her appointment just when you are about to go for a lunch break or just about to finish for the day. And what is more irritating is to find that these patients are on "benefits" and unemployed, which means thay had all the time in the world to be punctual.
Maybe they are not educated enough to be aware of the adage that "punctuality is a virtue".

My second pet hate is female patients coming into the consulting room heavily perfumed. is not the sort of smell you encounter when you walk through Boots' perfume section. The smell there is pure perfume and smells nice and refreshing. 
The smell I encounter in the consulting room is stale perfume, perfume mixed with sweat and disgusting body odour.

I feel that there is no need for these "scents". A daily wash and good hygeine are all that is necessary. When are woman going to learn ?

This entry was posted on Sunday 9 May 2010 at Sunday, May 09, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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